A Swede who lives in Finland and who is lost in Euroland - the wonderful world of Eurovision
There is always some matter to discuss or just a song I want to share
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Semi 1: 11 Cyprus / Alter Ego

Before making a living for himself in the schlager factory, Thomas G:son was a devoted rock musician and toured with his own band Masquerade. This year he has returned closer to his roots and brings a rock flavour to both Cyprus and Georgia.

Minus One seems to be very much your typical rock band of the kind you'd find in every corner of the world, no better or worse than any other.

But the magical touch of G:son is working. The song may be pretty standard but possesses temper and a certain roughness that will make it stand out in this otherwise pretty nicely produced lineup.

Yes, given that the band is charismatic enough on stage. In the preview clip I get the feeling the director is trying to hide the band away a bit.

My grade: 3/5

Minus One / Alter Ego (Cyprus 2016 preview clip)

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